
His Dark Materials

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His Dark Materials
価格:¥ 2,609(税込)
Lyra's Oxford
01. Someone once described “His Dark Materials” by Philip Pullman as she gets caught, she escapes, she gets caught again, she escapes again, then she gets caught, then she escapes. This may be true but the real substance of the epic is the how and why.

It is the “how” that holds the story together. We are intrigued with Lyra’s ability to plan and lie her way out of trouble. Eventually it is the truth that sets her free.

The “why” she is being sought and the “why” she must go on brings us many conundrums that we not only face in the tale but also in our real life.

Lyra must fulfill a prophecy; however if she becomes aware of her destiny, that destiny may never happen. For those readers who have read Josef Campbell you will recognize the classic Heroine's Journey where a person coming of age must sacrifice the apron strings and face the challenge of adulthood. This includes going into a dark place and confronting an unknown which usually is ones own fears and ego. From there they are reborn to become a fully functional person in society.

Oh, did I forget to tell you that this is a fun read.

02. Someone once described “His Dark Materials” by Philip Pullman as she gets caught, she escapes, she gets caught again, she escapes again, then she gets caught, then she escapes. This may be true but the real substance of the epic is the how and why.

It is the “how” that holds the story together. We are intrigued with Lyra’s ability to plan and lie her way out of trouble. Eventually it is the truth that sets her free.

The “why” she is being sought and the “why” she must go on brings us many conundrums that we not only face in the tale but also in our real life.

Lyra must fulfill a prophecy; however if she becomes aware of her destiny, that destiny may never happen. For those readers who have read Josef Campbell you will recognize the classic Hero's Journey where a person coming of age must sacrifice the apron strings and face the challenge of adulthood. This includes going into a dark place and confronting an unknown which usually is ones own fears and ego. From there they are reborn to become a fully functional person in society.

Oh, did I forget to tell you that this is a fun read.

03. 私は最近fantasyにはまりつつあるんですが、このシリーズは本当におもしろかったです。確かにJ.R.R.TolkienのLord of the Ringsにはかなわなかったですが、このシリーズは内容的にとてもおもしろかったです!他に私のお薦めの本はC.S.Lewis Narnia ChroniclesやUrsla le Guinのearthsea triology、他にはMichael Endeの作品なども有名でしょう。Lord of the Ringsを読んだ方にはJ.R.R.TolkienのSilmarillionもお薦めです!

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